Big Data Executive Search

Find out more about using Big Data Driven Executive Search by reading our FAQs below.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist.

Can this technology be applied to my country / region?

The technology used by Diversia Global has been used and proven to be successful throughout the United States, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia Pac (especially China) and Latin America. It is completely location agnostic.

Can your technology help me in my industry?

Thus far we have had major successes in Financial Services, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Investment Banking, Insurance, Automotive, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech to name but a few. But by using technology like that employed by the world´s leading search engines, our algorithms can be successfully applied to any location where it is legal for us to source candidates. We do not normally work in the Public / State sectors.

Can you help with this function?

We are completely function agnostic. The Data sets upon which we rely apply to all functions within private industry.

Will I be able to afford using your big data lead search?

It will probably be considerably cheaper than the traditional behemoths of the executive search industry that most S&P companies have default used as “preferred partners” for the past 50 years. We use a client focused success-based charging model.

What will the candidate experience be?

The candidates will be contacted through social media, e mail or telephone calls. It will not be disclosed that the search is diversity focused unless our client instructs us to inform this. Feedback will be given to candidates through the candidate journey. From the candidate point of view, the process imposes little in terms of time or inconvenience and actively encourages highly passive candidates to consider a position they otherwise would never envisage.

Can you send me a list of your diversity lead success?

Absolutely – please leave your name, e mail address and contact number below and we will be glad to send it to you.

Can we work with Diversia Global and still be GDPR compliant?

Diversia Global never purchases any private information on the internet – all information we use is on publicly available, legal websites provided by the candidates themselves. We are completely GDPR compliant.

Why are you based in Uruguay?

Small, safe and with a great climate – it is a great place to live and work. Without the polarized politics of most of the developed world, it is long regarded as the Switzerland of Latin America. The people are warm and hospitable. People still seem to have time for each other and time for the community. A well- educated work force and a time zone that effectively places it in the mid-Atlantic further add to the attraction.

Get In Touch

Tel: 00598 9610 6784


Alejandro Fleming

1510 apto 203


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